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Unlock Exceptional Investment Opportunities in Portugal.

Your Gateway to Growth and Residency.

Explore some of the most promising fund options eligible for your Portuguese Golden Visa program application.

MFG Consultants is a premier Portuguese Investment Advisory firm, internationally recognized and consistently ranked among the best in its sector.

With over 10 years of proven success, MFG Consultants offers a comprehensive, end-to-end service, ensuring clients never need to rely on third-party companies - especially when navigating the ARI/Portuguese Golden Visa program.

Every investment opportunity we present is rigorously vetted by MFG Consultants’ team of independent specialists. Unlike firms that overwhelm investors with vast, high-risk portfolios, we prioritize quality over quantity, offering a curated selection of the most secure and lucrative opportunities.

Choose MFG Consultants for an unparalleled investment experience backed by expertise, trust, and results.

Start Your Investment Journey Today!

Download here our exclusive Portuguese Golden Visa through funds

Contents of the brochure

  • What is an investment fund?

  • Advantages and disadvantages of funds

  • What funds are suitable for Portuguese Golden visa investment?

  • How investment funds differ from each other

  • Investment yield of Portuguese funds

  • When can an investor withdraw the money?

  • Is it possible to withdraw money ahead of schedule?

  • Cost simulation

  • Requirements for an investor

  • Portugal Golden Visa by investment fund: a step-by-step procedure

  • Advantages of obtaining a Portugal Golden Visa through funds

  • Risks of investing in Portuguese funds

  • How to choose a fund for investment

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Download for free our brochure: Portugal Golden Visa through purchasing shares of investment funds: a practical guide by MFG Consultants

Luxury Hotel

1 - T Fund

The T Equity Venture Capital Fund presents a unique and highly attractive investment avenue within Portugal’s hospitality industry.

This fund is tailor-made for global investors seeking swift and substantial financial returns. With a strategic approach to amplify investment in Portugal’s hotel sector, the T Equity Capital Fund skillfully blends time-honored investment methodologies with a dynamic and large-scale vision. The main objective is to channel investments into hotel enterprises situated in prime Portuguese locales, identified for their exceptional and swift growth prospects.

The commitment to investor security is unparalleled. To protect and align with our investors’ interests, the fund offer advance paid coupons as a robust safeguard. This forward-thinking strategy not only bolsters investor confidence but also emphasizes risk reduction, ensuring an investment journey that prioritizes peace of mind and financial wellbeing.

A - Exit year 10 – 21% paid on average 3 months after investment (paid in advance to the investor)
B - Exit year 7 – 12% paid 3 on average 3 months after investment (paid in advance to the investor)


  • Yields up to 21% paid upfront

  • Low Risk

  • High potential growth from hospitality management services in Portugal

  • Cost and Tax Efficiency

  • Regulated instrument

  • Strong GV track record

Fund term: 7 years
Expected ROI P.A.: 8% IRR NET
Management fee P.A.: 0,6% paid by the fund
Subscription Fee: no subscription fees

Download the brochure for more details.

White Car

2 - Wheels Fund

Investing in classic cars can be a lucrative and rewarding endeavour, supported by compelling numbers and statistics.

Over the past decade, the classic car market has experienced a remarkable annual growth rate of approximately 13%, significantly out performing many traditional investment options.

For instance, the Hagerty Classic CarIndex, a renowned indicator of classic car values, has consistently shown an upward trajectory.

Moreover, certain iconic models have seen staggeringappreciation, with some vintage models of Ferrari and Porsche 911 experiencingvalue increases exceeding 500% in the last 20 years.

Beyond the financial gains, classic cars offer tangible benefits such as enjoyment and pride of ownership.

Additionally, with the increasing scarcity of certain vintage models due to limited production numbers and natural attrition, their value is poised to continue rising.

Fund term: 8 years
Expected ROI P.A.: 120% NET ROI
Management fee P.A.: Flat management fee of 1%; 20% performance fee with a hurdle rate of 5%.
Subscription Fee: 1,5%

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3 - Panorama Fund

Panorama is your gateway to the best of Portugal’s investment opportunities.

The fund amalgamates the finest prospects in three key sectors: Renewable Energy, Tourism, and Agriculture. Each area is carefully curated, co-investing with leading local players who boast a significant track record in their respective domains.
A ‘fund of funds’ without the double layering of costs yet diversification and cross pollination of excellence that is unique in the Golden Visa MarketPlace.

Investment Strategy
Panorama provides investors with unparalleled access to Portugal’s growth story. Our fund leverages the expertise of leading fund managers in each sector, ensuring rigorous due diligence and strategic alignment with our investment objectives. With a focus on diversification, privileged access, and convenience, Portugal Panorama offers a comprehensive solution for investors seeking exposure to Portugal’s promising industries.

Fund term: 8 years
Expected ROI P.A.: 8% IRR NET
Management fee P.A.: 2%
Subscription Fee: 1,5%

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Sustainable Energy

4 - Novas Fronteiras Energy Fund

The Novas Fronteiras Energy Fund (“NFEF”) is a pioneer in Portuguese Golden Visa-eligible fund, exclusively investing in renewable energy projects with no real estate exposure.


We are committed to financing a diverse range of projects in Portugal’s renewable energy sector, with an emphasis on solar/ PV, from corporate rooftop installations to industrial-scale ground-mounted solar PV projects with long-term index-linked Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

Fund term: 8 years
Expected ROI P.A.: 8%-10% per annum (target net return)
Management fee P.A.: 0.5% of NAV per annum paid quarterly
Subscription Fee: Up to 3%

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Stock Data

5 - Mercury Fund

Investment in mature Portuguese SMEs/Mid Caps with sustainable business models (Debt or Equity instruments).

Investment target: Flexible instruments will favor equity like returns with strong downside protection .


Covering sectors such as industrial, agrobusiness, health, retail, services, transportation and logistics.

Fund term: 7 years
Expected ROI P.A.: 15% IRR
Management fee P.A.: 3%
Subscription Fee: 2%

Download the brochure for more details.

Glass of Red Wine

6 - Wine Fund

The first eco & wine tourism fund investing in sustainable next-generation opportunities in the hospitality and real estate sectors. The Fund materializes a unique opportunity for investors looking for investment diversification with sustainable returns.

  • Fund term: 8 years, allowing all participants to complete a full five years Golden Visa residency program period and apply for citizenship in the sixth year.

  • Exit strategy: Sales of the assets to target buyers such as hospitality investors & players, family offices, PE funds and other institutional funds, which will trigger the promoted interests for the OpCo.

  • Classes of shares: Class A shareholders receive the preference of returns distribution and they are eligible for the Golden Visa and for receiving dividends on a yearly basis, subject to Fund manager discretion; Class B shareholders receive returns after the Class A preferred shareholders’ distribution and they are eligible to receive the Fund upside returns

  • Target returns: Class A: 7% IRR (or Euribor + 3%) with a yearly distribution of up to 3% of the Fund’s returns (subject to Fund manager discretion); Class B: 15% IRR (or Euribor + 11%)

  • Profit share / Incentive structure: At the end of its term (Term of the Fund) and after full repayment of all paid-in capital, available any income will be distributed as follows: Class A investors preferentially receive up to 7% IRR; Class B investors in turn receive up to 7% IRR and the higher earnings will be shared with Class C (Fund Advisor) and Fund Manager, being 70% for Class B, 28% for Class C and, 2% for the Fund Manager

  • Subscription fee (one-off): 1.50% for subscriptions during the first 12 months of Funds’ life; 1.75% for subscriptions closed from months 13 onwards, with a minimum of €3,500 per investor

  • Tax benefits: Income tax exemption (0% income tax for non-residents in Portugal or 10% for tax residents) and inheritance tax exemption (0% tax for heirs)

  • Exclusive benefits: By participating in the the Fund Investors Club, you will have access to some exclusive benefits associated with the invested projects. These benefits include hotel premium accommodation & wines, as well as engaging in ESG activities such as social initiatives, wine and agroforestry certifications, annual general meeting, among others

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Soccer World Cup

7 - Soccer / Football GV Fund

With a passion for soccer and a vision to take the sport to the next level, this Fund was founded.


We aim to establish an international multi-club investment fund that bridges markets and provides equal opportunities to young promising stars. Through philanthropic efforts, we also strive to give back to local communities and foster the upcoming generation of stars on and off the pitch.

Fund Investment Areas

  • Acquiring Shares or a Stake in the Capital of Football Clubs

  • Advance Funding for Television Rights and Player Transfers

  • Acquisition of Football and Sports Related Assets 

  • Financing for acquisition of Player Ownership Rights

Fund term: 10 years
Expected ROI P.A.: 3-5%
Management fee P.A.: N/A
Subscription Fee: N/A

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Green Town

8 - Hospitality M Fund

This new fund is based in Hospitality sector, qualifying under Portugal Golden Visa program.

The Fund will be the majority shareholder of three companies developing hospitality and tourism sector in Portugal.


  • Total investment fund: 140M EUR

  • Fund type: Hospitality Investment

  • Investment amount: Minimum amount: 250,000EUR (to qualify for Golden Visa the investor must invest at 500,000EUR)

  • Minimum Investment time: 6 year


  • Expected fix income: 2% per year; collectible after 1 year.

  • No Tax on income.

  • No Annual Management fee

  • No Subscription fee

  • Get a bonus of 2% at year 8, year 10, year 12 of investment* (applied condition);

  • Guaranteed buyback of 100% after 6 years, or until citizenship is obtained;

  • Enjoy 7-night free at selected luxury hotels for main applicant and spouse

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Artificial Intelligence


This fund is an innovative and forward-looking fund that provides both financial backing and a suite of AI expertise, assets, and operating frameworks.


This unique approach reduces the risk associated with AI investments and enhances productivity and efficiency throughout the value chain. Additionally, our unique value aggregator business model, de-risks the implementation process, increasing our success rate and subsequently our profit margins.


The fund's General Partners have already committed €1M to this fund, whereas a portion of these funds has been allocated to an AI Service Provider with a well-established track record in the international market, known as Datamentors.

As an Investor this fund will allow you to participate in the AI revolution, with double digit potential returns;

Expected annual target 15%-20%.
Minimum investment of 50 000 Euros, and capital will be deployed along investment opportunities (Up to 6 years);
A ten-year investment, with returns expected only after 6 years;

Golden Visa eligible with a minimum investment of 500 000 Euros.

Management Comission: 2% Subscribed Capital.
Set Up Fee: 2% subscribed capital.

Download the brochure for more details.

commodities, stocks.jpg

10 - IndFund SP

A conservative and diversified investment fund, uniquely designed for investors seeking consistent, long-term growth and stability in their portfolios. With a focus on prudent strategies, the fund offers a reliable avenue for those prioritizing security and sustained financial progress.

IndFund SP aims to minimize risk by allocating capital to companies with asset-backed securities. This approach ensures investments are predominantly supported by tangible financial instruments – like bonds, stocks, and commodities – which serve as a safeguard against potential declines in investment value.


Participation in companies across different markets through equity or debt instruments.

Value Add

The fund manager aids companies in implementing efficient financial and cash management models while fostering the professionalization of management teams to ensure sustained long-term growth.

Current investments: 20%
E-commerce and online auction platform for luxury goods.

  • Low investment

  • High value assets

Purchase and sale of classic vehicles.

  • Value appreciation

  • Portfolio diversification

  • Tangible asset

Cash surplus investments: 80%

Investments span corporate and government bonds from a variety of regions, including Portuguese, American and European, reflecting our global approach to bond diversification. Capital allocation to stock indexes and ETFs, diversifying our equity exposure across multiple sectors and regions.

  • 10-year investment period.

  • Target IRR of 8% and a MOIC of 1.8x.

  • Subscription Fee: 2% calculated over committed capital

  • Management Fee: 2% calculated over committed capital (annually)

  • Investment Period: 6 years from the first commitment date

  • €50 million investment fund.

  • Golden Visa eligibility: €500.000


Download the brochure for more details.

Farm 1

11 - Earth fund

Strategy of purchasing, holding, and cultivating large orchards, with a long term focus on organic transition and soil health.

Innovation requires breaking from the pack. The fund concept is an agribusiness fund, identifying a better way to protect investor capital, and introducing sustainable impact investing to Golden Visa seekers.  

Anchored by a mission for environmental regeneration, this fund targets a €100 million raise to further expand the existing portfolio and environmental impact.
Leveraging a well-established track record boasted €20 million of assets and committed investment upon launch. 

Seize this unmatched opportunity to join this fund and not only solidify your generational legacy through EU citizenship but also become an instrumental force in regenerating Portugal's societal fabric and landscape.

Fund term: 7 years
Expected ROI P.A.: 10% IRR
Management fee P.A.: 1%
Subscription Fee: 1,5%

Download the brochure for more details.

Business meeting

12 - Cedro Preferred Yield II

Investment strategy: The Fund adopts a low-risk strategy to preserve capital while generating market risk-adjusted returns.

Finance cash flow-generating projects backed by assets and/or long-term contracts with low-risk profiles and downside protection + Opportunistic investments in companies with strong growth potential and realistic appreciation outlooks: Education, Elderly services, Healthcare, Hospitality, Industry, Information Technology, Renewable Energy and R&D. 10-15 portfolio companies with 2-7M€ tickets. Preferred annual compounded 3% net return for investors ensures competitive remuneration with low-risk-profile.

  • Fund Maturity: 10 years with an investment period of 6 years

  • Subscription Period: Until Q2 2026

  • Preferred Returns: Preferred yield of 3% IRR + 60% of returns above 3%

  • Target Returns: 5%

  • Subscription fee: 2,25%

  • Annual management fee: 1,00%

  • Taxation: 10% on income for tax residents in Portugal or per tax jurisdiction

Download the brochure for more details.

Laptop and Plant

13 - Activo Fund

Activo Fund is an independent private equity firm with a focus on investing in Portuguese companies.
Its investment team has a joint extensive, local and international investment experience.
Our portfolio companies benefit from Activo Fund network of industry and functional Specialist Advisors/Operating Partners.
With a target size of €80MN, Activo Fund will invest in growth companies in Portugal, where the team has completed investments over the past decades and where there is an opportunity to provide capital to leading industry players to compete globally.

A target return of 15% over the life of the fund (target weighted average life of 5 years) by delivering both financial and intellectual capital to support growth and develop portfolio companies.

The fund will invest tickets of €5MN to €8MN, mostly in the form of primary capital to fund growth opportunities and step-change initiatives with a focus on relevant active minority positions in niche leaders and innovators.


  • Fund Size: €80MN

  • Duration: 8 years (+2 extension periods 1 year)

  • Investment Instruments: Growth Equity (Expansion) mostly in equity and hybrid instruments

  • Target no. of Investments: +10 investments

  • Management Fee: 2,00% per year on committed capital during the investment period 2,00% per year and on invested capital during disinvestment period

  • Performance Fee: 20% carried interest above Hurdle Rate of IRR 7% with catch-up

  • Set-Up Fee: 2,00% for subscriptions under 1.000.000€ (one-off)

  • Jurisdiction: Portugal (CMVM)

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Green Energy Turbines

14 - Quad Energy Efficiency Fund

Energy Efficiency Investment Fund an Investment Fund which capitalizes on the existing opportunities within the Portuguese market in sectors such as Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energies and Cleantech.

The fund capitalizes on the management team’s experience, leveraging a complete alignment between the investors and the companies regarding expectations and overall objectives to accomplish.

Considering the forecast evolution of the electricity generation sector in Portugal, renewables are expected to contribute at least 80% of electricity generation by 2030, with emphasis on hydroelectricity, accounting for around 22%, wind energy, accounting for around 31% and solar energy, accounting for around 27%, the latter being the technology that will increase the most in the next decade.

Through its investments, fosters the creation of new companies in high-technology sectors focused on the sectors of Energy production, Energy Efficiency and Cleantech.


  • Duration: 10 years

  • Fund Size: €25 M

  • Expected Return: 6%

  • Management fee: 2,5% AUM with minimum 60K during 2 years for the fund raising period + setup fee of 3%

  • Performance fee: Hurdle rate 3,5% upside sharing 70/30 with the fund manager.


Download the brochure for more details.

Collecting Money

15 - Quad Private Equity Fund

Target industries for credit deals

Focus on acquisition of bonds and credits from the following sectors:

Telecom companies
Telecom industry is characterized by long term contracts and predictable cash flows from subscription-based services. This stability makes telecom receivables attractive for credit discounting and tv transmission rights, as they provide a reliable and steady stream of payments. Additionally, the continuous demand for communication services ensures a consistent revenue base.

Food and beverage
Food and beverage industry includes companies with strong brand loyalty and recurring revenue streams from both retail and wholesale channels. Contracts in this sector often involve large orders with predictable payment schedules. Investing in receivables from this industry leverages the sector's resilience to economic fluctuations and steady demand for essential goods.

Sportswear companies
Sportswear industry benefits from high consumer demand, seasonal sales peaks, and significant marketing contracts with sports teams and events. Receivables from this sector are often supported by strong brand recognition and global market presence. This makes them a secure option for credit discounting, ensuring predictable payments and reducing risk

Payment platforms
By targeting receivables and revenue anticipation deals with major payment platforms, our fund leverages the financial stability, market dominance, and consistent cash flows of these industry leaders. This strategy enhances our portfolio's security while providing attractive returns through the reliable financial performance and global operations of these payment platforms.


  • Investment Period: 5 years

  • Hard Cap Target of €75 million

  • Investment Amount €100,000 (€500,000 for Golden Visa)

  • Target Return: 6% per year

  • 6% per year

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Swimming Pool

16 - Quad Hospitality Fund

Investment fund which seeks risk adjusted opportunities aligned with an asset allocation profile targeting high profitability and early returns, through diversified investments in commercial real-estate and hospitality.

Target IRR of 6%
Hospitality estimates a target IRR of 6% per year
The fund will buy-back investors’ participation units after 10 years, meaning to reimburse capital invested + potential gains to investors


  • Subscription Fee: 2%

  • Target return: 6% p.a.

  • Maturity: Up to 10 Years

  • Fixed Management Fee: 2% p.a., calculated over fund committed capital

  • Subscription Fee: Zero

  • Exit Fee: Zero

  • Fund Set-up cost (one time)

  • Investment Period: 5 years

  • Minimum Subscription Amount: 100,000.00 € (500,000.00 € for Golden Visa)

Download the brochure for more details.

Solar Panels on Trees

17 - Esmeralda Capital Fund

The Capital Fund (the “Fund”) will typically invest in sustainable business and latest age renewable energy development companies, including energy storage.
The Fund may also invest in earlier stage development companies
Investments will include companies that are acquiring, or have acquired, rights to develop PV solar, onshore wind, battery storage projects and distributed energy platforms, and the provision of related infrastructure and manufacturing of sustainable assets and related assets and infrastructure.
Investee companies will be involved in the« development, construction, operation and sale of these businesses or projects.
“Late-stage development companies” are companies having projects that have a reasonable prospect of achieving “Ready to Build” status within 12 (twelve) months.
The Fund may invest more than 33% in a single asset.
The Fund will invest in pipeline projects in Portugal, Spain, Italy and the UK which are presented by the Group. At least 60% of investments will be in projects in Portuguese companies.

  • Proven Track Record with Advanced Projects: The Fund Sponsor, Energy has a proven track record of successful investments in the green energy sector, with projects already connected to the grid and positioned for rapid growth, ensuring strong financial returns while advancing environmental objectives. 

  • Advanced Project Portfolio: Our Portuguese projects are either already in operation generating cashflow, at RTB (Ready-to-Build) or in late-stage development, with a secure grid connection that we own. This ensures that our projects are at the lower end of the risk spectrum and a deliver a faster return on investment.

  • Diversified Green Portfolio: We offer a well-diversified portfolio that spans across various sectors of the green economy, including solar, wind, and energy storage, reducing risk and enhancing growth potential.

  • Commitment to Transparency: We prioritize transparency and accountability in all our operations, providing our investors with clear insights into how their money is being used to drive sustainable change.

  • Target Investor IRR: 5%, net of Fund costs (target income distribution starting from year 3)

  • Subscription Fee: 0.5% - 1.5%

  • Fund Management Fee: 0.95% p.a. on subscribed capital

Download the brochure for more details.

Cryptocurrency Stocks

18 - Crypto Fund

The Fund provides an opportunity for individuals to acquire Portuguese/EU citizenship by indirectly holding bitcoin worth €500,000. The fund the first of its kind to be eligible for the Golden Visa, providing exposure to bitcoin.

Its features include 100% passive bitcoin holding, investment in an ETFs for security and simplicity, and total transparency with BDO audits. The fund is also committed to radical transparency regarding costs, striving for maximum capital efficiency.

The founder believes that bitcoin can be a tool for freedom of movement in a mutually beneficial relationship with Portugal. 

The fund undergoes rigorous audits conducted by BDO, one of the top five global audit and consulting networks. This ensures full transparency for investors, who have complete access to the audit reports.

Other key stakeholders include the fund’s depository bank, which offers cryptocurrency custody solutions, and the Portuguese financial authority (CMVM), which oversees and regulates the fund.

The fund manager offers a highly structured and regulated way to gain exposure to Bitcoin while meeting the requirements of Portugal’s Golden Visa program.

Its unique combination of investment management expertise, trusted partners, and regulatory oversight make it an attractive option for investors interested in this innovative intersection of cryptocurrency and residency by investment.

Why Bitcoin is an Attractive Investment?

Bitcoin has emerged as a highly promising asset class over the past decade, showcasing remarkable historical performance that has captured the attention of investors worldwide. While traditional assets have delivered modest returns, Bitcoin has outperformed every other asset class in 8 out of the past 11 years (as of June 2024), cementing its position as a frontrunner in the investment landscape.

  • Onboarding fee: one time €10.000

  • Management fee: 1,5% p.a.

  • Performance fee: 90% to investors / 10% to the fund advisor

Blue Water Slide

19 - Blue Fund

The fund consists in a private equity fund that will invest in SMEs and Mid-Caps integrated into the Blue Economy. This fund, with a strong focus on sustainability, will follow the same investment strategy as the other funds, supporting the growth of companies with solid financial results, structured teams, and potential for organic and/or inorganic growth. Geographically, Blue will invest mainly in Portugal (85%) and projects returns in line with the results achieved by the fund management team over more than 20 years of investment in the Iberian Peninsula.

Blue has the European Investment Fund (EIF) as its anchor investor, co-financed by the Portuguese Development Bank’s Capital and Quasi-Capital Fund and the European Commission's Invest EU.

The fund's assets will be used to acquire, for a limited period, equity and quasi-equity instruments from SMEs and Mid-Caps with high growth potential. The fund is registered for a fixed term and is governed by Decree-Law 27/2023 of April 28, regulated by the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM).

Blue is the first fund to combine a sustainability aspect with the ability to generate returns in line with private equity standards by leveraging the potential of the Blue Economy in Portugal and Europe. 

The Fund will invest in SMEs and Mid-Cap companies related to the Blue Economy. The Fund will execute its investment policy by investing in equity and hybrid instruments (including quasi-equity) of the target companies, with the objective of benefiting from their appreciation. The Fund will prioritize the acquisition of shares representing the target companies' equity, preferably between 40% and 60% of their share capital, in order to actively influence their strategic decisions and seek to exercise significant influence over their management.

  • Setup fee: 3%

  • Management fee: 2% 

  • Performance fee: 20% (7% hurdlerate)

  • ROI: Aiming for IRR >20% and >3.3x MoM in line with track-record



Download the brochure for more details.​​

Metallic Structure

20 - Adventure Fund

The fund has the goal to invest in EU-based companies, aiming to disrupt markets across: Deeptech (Climate, Health, ICT & Hardware) & AI.

Thanks to our platform + the €95bn funding from Horizon Europe, has access to the best founders in the following sectors:

  • Climate tech (environment and energy, food and agri-tech and mobility)

  • ICT (AI, Cybersecurity, Fintech, Digital health)

  • Hardware (semiconductors, robotics, advanced manufacturing)

Europe leads in R&D with 28% of all climate tech patents.
EU invested €58bn+ in climate R&D since 2014 through H2020.
Increase corporates appetite for collaboration with startups enabling faster

EU policy and regulation on Climate Tech and Sustainability.

  • Setup fee: 1%

  • Management fee: 2% during investment period (dropping by 0.2% per year afterwards)

  • Carried interest: 80/20 (LP/GP), with Hurdle Rate of 1.82x (6% IRR)

  • Target IRR: 4x

  • Regional focus: 60% Portugal / 40% Europe



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Industrial Factory

21 - FCT Fund

FCT offers investors a unique opportunity to invest in Renewable Energy opportunities in Portugal and Brazil.
Globally, power demand will continue to grow, and renewable energy will be accounting for an increasing proportion of the power mix, mainly because of governments zero carbon emission policies.
The Fund will focus on selfconsumption and Distributed Generation projects, mainly trough solar energy (Photovoltaic panels).


The Fund provides Investors with the opportunity to partner with Stakeholders that:

➢ will be Investment Advisers of the Fund.
➢ Will be co-investors in the Fund.
➢ have a proven track record in developing and managing Business Ventures.
➢ will assist in the development and growth of the Funds’ Asset portfolio.
➢ bring to the Fund Inception projects under development.

  • Management Fee: 0.50% p.a. (minimum 60.000€)

  • Set Up Fee: 5% one-off (deducted from the subscribed capital)

  • Capital redemption preferential to class B investors

  • Income Distribution on a prorated basis of 25% to Class A and 75% for Class B investors

  • Target IRR: 8%



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Team Brainstorm

22 - Octa Horizonte

Investment Objective

The fund's main objective is twofold:

  • Provide solid returns by investing in Portuguese Fixed Income and Digital Assets (BTC, ETH, SOL) in a Regulated, Safe and Flexible Fund. 

  • Provide investors access to a Residence Permit in Europe with a 5-year path to Citizenship.

Investment Strategy

The fund will allocate up to 65% to Fixed Income and up to 35% to Digital Assets. The fund manager can allocate a maximum of 10% per Fixed Income issuer with credit rating of -BB or above, the target is to have 16-20 names in the Portfolio. The credit names are all Portuguese issuers mostly trading on the local exchange PSI-20. The Digital Assets are limited to BTC, ETH and SOL, the
fund can invest via ETFs or directly into the Crypto Asset using Regulated Custodians.


  • Management Fee: 2%

  • Set Up Fee: 2%

  • Performance Fee: Category A: 20% above Benchmark return



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Solar Power Plant

23 - ST Iberian

Investment Objective

ST Iberian is a sub-fund from Core Fund with a primary focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency/carbon reduction, and clean mobility and infrastructure in Iberia contributing to achieve the Portugal’s revised target for annual electricity generated from renewable sources by 2030.

Its vision is to play a pivotal role in the transition to a net-zero future by strategically investing in projects that not only align with its green objectives but also contribute to a more resilient and sustainable energy ecosystem.

The concept is fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations, particularly Affordable and Clean Energy and Climate Action, which can be assessed according to the respective key indicators and metrics. Additionally is eligible for the Golden Visa program, offering further opportunities for investors.

  • Target return - 8%/year

  • Target distribution - 4% / year (after the subscription period)

  • Performance fee - class b: investor retains 80% above hurdle of 6% | class c: investor retains 85% above hurdle of 6%

  • Management fee - 0,4% per quarter

  • Setup fee - 0,425% (annualized)

  • Subscription fee - 1%



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Abstract Lines


MFG Consultants: Your Partner in European Residency


  • Expert Guidance: Comprehensive knowledge of Golden Visa regulations and legal processes

  • Tailored Investment: Customized solutions for your financial and family goals

  • Streamlined Process: Efficient application handling for faster approvals

  • Ongoing Support: Property management, tax advice, and renewals after approval

  • True 360º Service: Personalized assistance every step of the way

  • Bilingual Communication: English and Portuguese support

  • 24/7 Availability: We’re here whenever you need us

  • No Hidden Costs: Transparent fees, no surprises

  • Free Process Services: Save a lot of time and money. Contact us for details.

  • Complete Transparency: Clear guidance through every milestone

  • Reliable Partnerships: We work only with the top and most reliable partners from each market. Meetings with the partners and you are always available.


At MFG Consultants, an internationally recognized firm, we specialize in Portuguese and Greek Golden Visa programs and Portuguese residency options (D7, D2, D8, D3). Our proven expertise means you’ll receive the best path to European residency - fast.


Don’t Leave Your Future to Chance
We live in unpredictable times. Owning a second residency or passport ensures freedom, security, and a legacy for your family.


Act Now—Secure Your Future Today

Visit or contact us to schedule your free meeting. Don’t wait for tomorrow’s uncertainties - take control of your future with MFG Consultants.

Office: Avenida 25 de Abril, Nr. 805, 2-D, 2750-514 Cascais 


Contact: +351 916 008 844  - WhatsApp available​

MFG Consultants® is a registered trademark Nr 611670


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